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What we breathe in matters. Echotopia uses delicious smelling herbs.


Updated: Dec 6, 2023

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At markets, peoples' noses often lead them to our stall & refill station, thanks to our aromatic herbs and essential oils. At a cellular level, inside our bodies, smelling medicinal herbs may be highly beneficial.

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Over the years at Baltimore's markets, Echotopia customers' noses have led them to our stall & refill station, thanks to our home grown medicinal garden herbs and essential oils. Our home garden herbs are a key and unique ingredient in our products, even if most people use them in foods and teas! Unlike dangerous, toxic fragrances in most so called 'cleaning' products, our products' scents won't last forever - and that's a good thing in terms of health. But they'll always impart non-toxic freshness & safe cleanliness.

We use the following delicious herbs in our cleaning product ingredients: Lavender, Sage, Rosemary, Chamomile (high maintenance little flowers, need daily tlc) Lemon Balm, Thyme, Oregano, French Tarragon (tough to grow), Peppermint.

We also use the following essential oils: Lavender, Rose, Orange, Citronella, Tea Tree, Peppermint.

I hope nobody spends too much time cleaning! I tell customers that enjoying the scent while using our products is a relaxing reward unto itself.

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